Stephen Mc Phail (Kiwa) participated at the EFC2023 European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Piero Lunghi Conference, September 13th -15th 2023. He was the moderator of the Round table “Hydrogen in the Mediterranean” and the session chair of the session “Hydrogen for decarbonizing different applications II”.
Hydrogen has gained significant attention as a potential solution for achieving deep decarbonization across multiple sectors of the economy. It is important to note that while hydrogen offers many benefits for decarbonization, there are also challenges to address, such as the cost of production, infrastructure development, and ensuring the sustainability of hydrogen production methods.
In the panorama of these epochal developments, hydrogen technologies could become a bridge between the paradigms of industrialization and wellbeing, free market and free development, progress and solidity – just as it is a natural bridge between molecules and electrons. Several cross-country Hydrogen Initiatives have been implemented, that bring to the fore the great spirit of collaboration that drives the transition to cleaner energy and the intrinsic complementarity and flexibility that characterizes the hydrogen technological sector.
The 10th European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Conference was an occasion to explore these themes and take stock of the role hydrogen is taking up in a changing world, as an international currency of commodity and as a means for revitalizing the noblest expressions of human ingenuity, joint aspirations and pioneering spirit.
Moreover, Stephen Mc Phail (Kiwa) presented the SO-FREE project: Designing for flexible use of hydrogen and natural gas: the SO-FREE project (slide presentation).
Two papers were also written on SO-FREE project, published on the Conference Book of proceedings:
“Validation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell short Stack test bench in SO-FREE Project” (ENEA, Italy; Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy; Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy; Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Italy
“Designing for flexible use of hydrogen and natural gas: the SO-FREE project” (KIWA, The Netherland; ENEA, Italy; AVL, Austra; Elcogen Oy, Finland; Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany; ICI, Italy; IEN, Poland; PGE, Poland; Università Guglielmo Marconi, Italy.